Ratchets in point-particle systems and in extended models: Mechanisms, control and applications

Ratchets-2007: Carmona (Sevilla) February 5-7, 2007



The workshop is sponsored by the following institutions and grants, which we gratefully acknowledge:

Universidad de Sevilla

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Group on Approximation Theory
and Orthogonal Polynomials

Grupo Interdisciplinar
de Sistemas Complejos

European Science Fundation

Consolider Mathematica


Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia

General Information

my picture The main aim of this Meeting is to convene the leading experts in the field to discuss and revise, in an appropriate atmosphere, the state of the art and the most recent advances in the field of non-linear systems, and more concretely of the transport phenomena of ratchet type.

The main topics to be considered will be: Ratchet effect in superconductors, optical lattices, molecular motors. Control mechanism of ratchets, the corresponding biophysics and biomathematics of molecular motors, application of the ratchet effect in nano and biotechnology and optical lattices.

Invited talks will be focused on the ratchet mechanism in different systems and also on its applications in biology, nanotechnology, optical lattices, etc.

[Invited speakers]   [Organizing Committee]  [Scientific Committee]  [Registration] [Abstracts]

Invited speakers and lectures

Invited speakers


Here you can find a PDF file with the available titles and abstracts of the invited lectures as well as the title and abstracts of the short talks and posters. (updated January 15, 2006).

We will start on Monday February 5, at 9:00 and finish on Wednesday February 7 at 18:00.


Click here to see the schedule. Please take into account that in all conferences there should be some extra time for discussion. i.e,, the 60 min lecture is 45 min + 15 min discussion; 40 min lecture is 30 min + 10 min; and the 10 min short contributions are of 15min +5 min. We kindly ask all the participants to follow this schedule.

Organizing Committee

The Organizing Committee is:

Scientific Committee

The Scientific Committee is:

Registration and Hotel information

The Registration fees should be payed in cash the first day at the Congress site. It will include the documentation, coffee breaks, three lunches and the official dinner.

The Workshop will be held in the Hotel Casa de Carmona, located in the center of Carmona (a "little" town located at 30 Km from Seville), on February 5-7 2007. This is a XVI century house transformed into a Hotel. For more detailed information you can visit the WWW page http://www.casadecarmona.com .

To get more information please contact with any member of the Organizing Committee or send us an e-mail to the address: ratchets(*)euler.us.es (change (*) by "at")

Maintained by Renato Alvarez-Nodarse